As some of you may know, we took part in another Skipathon this year for Bowel Cancer Research UK, and to raise awareness for bowel cancer.
This has a particularly special place in our heart here at HCL and raising awareness is something we feel incredibly strongly about. Deputy Manager, Michaela, talks all about her experience with bowel cancer here. She first started noticing abdominal pains at the age 31, and took herself to A&E for further testing. She was then diagnosed with Stage 4 Bowel Cancer, but has since received the all clear for 5 years.
What is bowel cancer?
Bowel Cancer is categorised by cancer found anywhere in the large bowel, including the colon and the rectum.
What are the symptoms of bowel cancer?
Symptoms of bowel cancer include, but are not limited to: changes in your faeces, change in bowel movement, blood in your faeces, bleeding from your bottom, tummy pain, lump in your tummy, bloating, losing weight without trying, and feeling very tired for no reason. If you have any of these symptoms, get in contact with your GP as soon as possible to book an appointment – the earlier cancer is detected, the earlier it can be treated before it spreads.
What tests would I need to have if I think I have bowel cancer?
The main test that you will have to determine whether or not you have bowel cancer is a colonoscopy – this involves using a long tube that includes a camera to look inside your bowel. A small sample is then taken from your bowel lining for further testing.
We know that this may sound like a daunting procedure, however this is nothing to worry about and the practitioner will make sure you are put at ease.
What can I expect if I undergo a colonscopy?
Prior to undergoing a colonscopy, you will be asked to change into a hospital gown, and may be given treatment to put you at ease, such as gas and air, or painkillers.
You will then be explained the possible risks of the procedure (as with any other procedure), and be asked to sign a consent form before the procedure can take place. The procedure will then begin once all the risks have been explained – you will also be told if any growths have been removed (you will not feel this if this happens). The colonscopy will take around 30-45 minutes.
You will spend around 2 hours in total from arriving at the hospital to going home.
What treatments are available?
Treatments available include; surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted medicines. Treatment depends on the severity and aggressiveness of the cancer.
In some cases, you may also need a stoma bag. A stoma bag can be temporary or permanent, and is a bag that collects faeces by bringing out your colon to an opening on your abdomen. Here at HCL, we also provide training on how to provide proper care for service users who have a stoma bag. If you would like to learn more about the services that we provide, click here to find out more.
For more information about bowel cancer, symptoms and treatment, please visit the NHS website here.
What can I do to raise awareness?
If you would like to raise awareness for bowel cancer, you can help take part by either taking part in a national campaign, take part in fundraisers (either your own or a local fundraiser), or simply donating to your chosen charity. There are a number of bowel cancer charities that you can support, such as:
Anything that you do for any chosen charity will help raise awareness for bowel cancer – so why don’t you join us in this mission?